It is with great sadness that I write that this will be my final blog at
There are many reasons for this. First being, that I haven't dedicated any time to maintaining this blog, thus being evident in the fact that I haven't blogged since August.
But in the midst of all this sadness...there is a glimmer of hope....great joy and a wonderful, new REGULARLY updated blog.....
ARE YOU READY FOR IT?.......................
Starting on DECEMBER 1ST.......
MY NEW BLOG!!!!!!!
I look forward to sharing my life, thoughts and challenges with you in this new blog. I trust that God has been blessing you abundantly and that as we prepare to conclude the year that He has been your main focus and desire!!
All of God's blessings!!!
P.S Spread the news that Stobes is back in the wonderful world of BLOGGING!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Holy Spirit
So the last few weeks God has been sharing some stuff with me. It's been interesting to say the least.
When I'm on the net either on Sunday night after church on Monday afternoon Salvo people (mainly younger ones) say to me "Ohhh Aaron guess what... I went to a Pente church last night and got baptized with the Holy Spirit...I got prophesied over, Man the Holy Spirit was SOOOOO real and evident..." The question HAS to be asked, why do so many Salvationists believe that they HAVE to go to ANOTHER church to feel the Holy Spirit or to be prophesied over? Are these NOT gifts from God? If they are (and I'm belivin' that they are!) Then WHY oh why are these gifts from God not being received within The Salvation Army??? Granted these gifts are received at Corps....but why not all of them? I will not go to another church to be baptized with the Holy Spirit of receive prophesies. We believe that we serve and worship a Triune God. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Or if you're Postmodern you might refer to them as Creator, Redeemer & Sustainer. We believe that they are undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory. - If you don't believe me, check our (The Salvation Army) third doctrine.
I'd really be interested in your thoughts on this....let me know!
Under the blood!!!
When I'm on the net either on Sunday night after church on Monday afternoon Salvo people (mainly younger ones) say to me "Ohhh Aaron guess what... I went to a Pente church last night and got baptized with the Holy Spirit...I got prophesied over, Man the Holy Spirit was SOOOOO real and evident..." The question HAS to be asked, why do so many Salvationists believe that they HAVE to go to ANOTHER church to feel the Holy Spirit or to be prophesied over? Are these NOT gifts from God? If they are (and I'm belivin' that they are!) Then WHY oh why are these gifts from God not being received within The Salvation Army??? Granted these gifts are received at Corps....but why not all of them? I will not go to another church to be baptized with the Holy Spirit of receive prophesies. We believe that we serve and worship a Triune God. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Or if you're Postmodern you might refer to them as Creator, Redeemer & Sustainer. We believe that they are undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory. - If you don't believe me, check our (The Salvation Army) third doctrine.
I'd really be interested in your thoughts on this....let me know!
Under the blood!!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Disciplined, Focused & Detailed!!!
Well, the title of this blog are my three key words for this semester. Semester One was a transition, into college, the study and social aspects. So now, there is no reason for me to be achiving even better results than last semester.
Those who know me, might notice that my three key words go completely against my personality, but I'm determined to do better this semester. Perhaps determined should be one of my words.
I've even done up this funky timetable that is colour co-ordinated and all! And better than that is that I've ACTUALLY been sticking to it! Woohoo!!!
Today I finished a written reflection, you may be thinking, "that's great Stobes", But it gets better, because it's not due in for another 3 weeks!! hahaha!!!
My week has been great so far, God is very good and continues to bless and challenge me! May YOU experience His transforming love today! All of God's blessings!
Those who know me, might notice that my three key words go completely against my personality, but I'm determined to do better this semester. Perhaps determined should be one of my words.
I've even done up this funky timetable that is colour co-ordinated and all! And better than that is that I've ACTUALLY been sticking to it! Woohoo!!!
Today I finished a written reflection, you may be thinking, "that's great Stobes", But it gets better, because it's not due in for another 3 weeks!! hahaha!!!
My week has been great so far, God is very good and continues to bless and challenge me! May YOU experience His transforming love today! All of God's blessings!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Supernatural God!
What? You didn't know that God Almighty is also Supernatural? Lets look at it. God heals. God gives miracles. God sets people free from sin. God is supernatural! What? You haven't experienced His supernatural power? PRAY! Ask God for supernatural gifts! God needs people in the Army who speaks in tongues. God needs people in the Army that have vision and see visions from God. God needs people in the Army to be used as vessels for His healing power. Do you get what I'm saying?
Read this found in Acts Two....
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
5Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 9Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11(both Jews and converts to Judaism Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" 12Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
13Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine.
AWESOME!!!!! But wait, hahaha!! There is so much more!!
Peter Addresses the Crowd
14Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! 16No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17" 'In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19I will show wonders in the heaven above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
Does the above not talk about our Supernatural God? Hallelujah for the gifts of the Spirit. Pray, asking God to release the gifts of the Spirit within you, within your church, Within The Salvation Army!!
God, make us believers in the reality that YOU ARE ABLE! Equip Your people with the gifts of the Spirit! Make us strong, lead us, guide us and convict our hearts to be open to YOUR Spirit's leading! Let it be so! HALLELUJAH!
Read this found in Acts Two....
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
5Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 9Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11(both Jews and converts to Judaism Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" 12Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
13Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine.
AWESOME!!!!! But wait, hahaha!! There is so much more!!
Peter Addresses the Crowd
14Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! 16No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17" 'In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19I will show wonders in the heaven above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
Does the above not talk about our Supernatural God? Hallelujah for the gifts of the Spirit. Pray, asking God to release the gifts of the Spirit within you, within your church, Within The Salvation Army!!
God, make us believers in the reality that YOU ARE ABLE! Equip Your people with the gifts of the Spirit! Make us strong, lead us, guide us and convict our hearts to be open to YOUR Spirit's leading! Let it be so! HALLELUJAH!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Retreat Day!
Today we had a 'Retreat Day' at the College. This marked the finish of the Holiness Seminar in which most of the College Community have been apart of. The teaching of this week has been very rich and the depth was incredible. We were blessed immensley by Dr. Major Alan Harley who's knowledge of Holiness was outstanding. We also had the honour of sharing with Major Rose Harley, on a less formal note. Her wisdom, love and passion were noted with every word that she spoke. They lived among us for the week and it was good.
Today, the retreat day was led my Major Robert Patterson. We were given the option of having the day in silence. It was our personal decision. Those of you who know me, know that I am a very capable talker and in conversation I can be known to be the 'talker'. Today, I was silent, I was the listener and I was blessed by it. In our instructions/guidelines for the day there was a line that said "Waste time creatively" - This encouraged and freed me, It was a beautiful expression. I heard God lots today... One of the things he said was "Be still and know that I am God." There were times today where I just sat and listened to Him.
I thank God for this day. There was a beautiful testimony that we read today that said something along the lines of "The fact that I woke up this morning tells me that God has something for me in this day"
Everyday we wake, thank God for the day and praise Him for all He has for you for that day.
God bless you friends!
Today, the retreat day was led my Major Robert Patterson. We were given the option of having the day in silence. It was our personal decision. Those of you who know me, know that I am a very capable talker and in conversation I can be known to be the 'talker'. Today, I was silent, I was the listener and I was blessed by it. In our instructions/guidelines for the day there was a line that said "Waste time creatively" - This encouraged and freed me, It was a beautiful expression. I heard God lots today... One of the things he said was "Be still and know that I am God." There were times today where I just sat and listened to Him.
I thank God for this day. There was a beautiful testimony that we read today that said something along the lines of "The fact that I woke up this morning tells me that God has something for me in this day"
Everyday we wake, thank God for the day and praise Him for all He has for you for that day.
God bless you friends!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Truly and properly God and truly and properly man!
'We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united; so that He is truly and properly God, and truly and properly man'
Jesus as man -
Jesus spoke of Himself as being man (John. 8:40)
John the Baptist and the apostles did so even when speaking of His dignity and glory (John. 1:30, Acts. 2:22 & 13:38, Romans. 1:3)
The New Testament shows that Jesus was subject to all the limitations of human existance, using for His life and developement only such resources as are available to humanity.
This is shown in the physical, emotional, mental, social, moral and spiritual aspects of His being.
He possessed a human body, capable of ordinary physical sensations. He hungered (Mark. 11:12), ate (Mark. 2:16), thirsted (John. 19:28), was wearied (John. 4:6), slept (Matt. 8:24), wept (John. 11:35), and died (John. 19:30).
In the moral and spiritual aspects of life He was 'in all points tempted like as we are' (Heb. 4:15).
Jesus' Divine Nature -
At the baptism of Jesus the announcement was made:
'This is my Son, whom I am pleased with' (Mark. 1:11)
To Him are ascribed those powers and perfections which belong only to God:
Every divine attribute (John. 14:9; 16:15; Col. 2:9).
The divine holiness (Heb. 7:26; Rev. 3:7).
The divine love (John. 15:9; Eph. 3:19).
Eternal existance (John. 1:2; 8:58; Rev. 1:11).
Omnipotence (Matt. 28:18; Phil. 3:21).
Omnipresence (Matt. 18:20; 28:20).
Omniscience (Col. 2:3).
Unchangeableness (Heb. 13:8).
The self-giving nature of the love of God, and the intensity of the divine purpose to bring humanity into a living fellowship with Himself could be revealed in no other way. The might of the divine holiness, love and truth is revealed by the fact that in their strength Jesus won the victory over evil. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man!
May this teaching be a blessing to you! All for His glory!
Lord let it be so! Hallelujah! Miss you all, Love & Prayers always!
Jesus as man -
Jesus spoke of Himself as being man (John. 8:40)
John the Baptist and the apostles did so even when speaking of His dignity and glory (John. 1:30, Acts. 2:22 & 13:38, Romans. 1:3)
The New Testament shows that Jesus was subject to all the limitations of human existance, using for His life and developement only such resources as are available to humanity.
This is shown in the physical, emotional, mental, social, moral and spiritual aspects of His being.
He possessed a human body, capable of ordinary physical sensations. He hungered (Mark. 11:12), ate (Mark. 2:16), thirsted (John. 19:28), was wearied (John. 4:6), slept (Matt. 8:24), wept (John. 11:35), and died (John. 19:30).
In the moral and spiritual aspects of life He was 'in all points tempted like as we are' (Heb. 4:15).
Jesus' Divine Nature -
At the baptism of Jesus the announcement was made:
'This is my Son, whom I am pleased with' (Mark. 1:11)
To Him are ascribed those powers and perfections which belong only to God:
Every divine attribute (John. 14:9; 16:15; Col. 2:9).
The divine holiness (Heb. 7:26; Rev. 3:7).
The divine love (John. 15:9; Eph. 3:19).
Eternal existance (John. 1:2; 8:58; Rev. 1:11).
Omnipotence (Matt. 28:18; Phil. 3:21).
Omnipresence (Matt. 18:20; 28:20).
Omniscience (Col. 2:3).
Unchangeableness (Heb. 13:8).
The self-giving nature of the love of God, and the intensity of the divine purpose to bring humanity into a living fellowship with Himself could be revealed in no other way. The might of the divine holiness, love and truth is revealed by the fact that in their strength Jesus won the victory over evil. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man!
May this teaching be a blessing to you! All for His glory!
Lord let it be so! Hallelujah! Miss you all, Love & Prayers always!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Kingdom of God!!!!
God's Holy Spirit has been moving and VERY active in Morwell. In particulary at the Morwell Salvation Army. I have been apart of a group of young people who have been running a Holiday Programme at the Morwell Corps. The group have been under the very capable and blessed leadership of Lt. Richard Parker. Together with the Corps Officers, Majors Gwyn & Brian Rowe who have been absolutely wonderful in many ways.
The theme for the Holiday Programme is 'Starship Discovery'. The Y.P hall has been transformed into a Space Rocket and each day we BLAST OFF! The Biblical Focus for the week has been on Peter. We've talked about how Peter was called, gave up everything, had faith, made mistakes, was transformed and LOVED God.
Today we've gave the children an oppurtunity to ask Jesus to be their friend. God's Holy Spirit was moving in a mighty and powerful way. We had 16 kids today ask Jesus to be their friend. 16 kids came into God's Kingdom! HALLELUJAH! We praise God for His awesomeness and faithfulness. Please join us in prayer as we pray God's guidance, love and protection on these kids!
May they be discipled into fine Christians who will make a HUGE impact in this world for the Kingdom of God. Lord Let it be so! HALLELUJAH!!
The theme for the Holiday Programme is 'Starship Discovery'. The Y.P hall has been transformed into a Space Rocket and each day we BLAST OFF! The Biblical Focus for the week has been on Peter. We've talked about how Peter was called, gave up everything, had faith, made mistakes, was transformed and LOVED God.
Today we've gave the children an oppurtunity to ask Jesus to be their friend. God's Holy Spirit was moving in a mighty and powerful way. We had 16 kids today ask Jesus to be their friend. 16 kids came into God's Kingdom! HALLELUJAH! We praise God for His awesomeness and faithfulness. Please join us in prayer as we pray God's guidance, love and protection on these kids!
May they be discipled into fine Christians who will make a HUGE impact in this world for the Kingdom of God. Lord Let it be so! HALLELUJAH!!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A beautiful Weekend
This weekend has been fantastic. Saturday saw Dad and Susan tie the knot in wonderful style. We've had family from all over the globe sharing in this beautiful day of God! It was a great celebration and a beautiful reminder of God's love for us. Today Is my bestest friend of all times Birthday! Bec Marsh turned 21 today! Bec and I have many good memories and have been thru some great times together as well as some rough times. She is beautiful and I count it an immense joy and blessing to be called friend by her. Happy Birthday Babe! Today also saw the 'Decommissioning' service of the old Werribee Salvation Army's hall (We're now completely in our new one) This was a celebration of God ministry in the city of Wyndham. There were lots of memories revisited today. On a personal note, I have many fond memories of that place. It's the place where my family came to Christ. It was the place where we all grew spiritually. It was also the place where many said their final farewell to my Mum upon her Promotion to Glory in 2004. It was also the place that sent me out to begin training to be an Officer. Praise God for the Perkins Ave, Werribee Salvation Army building, and all the minsistry that took place there over the 19 years. Hallelujah!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Wednesday the 16th of May, 2007
Today was a day of mixed emotions. We had Spiritual Day at the College, which was AMAZING...Well, at least the time I was there was anyway. I led a min choir in the singing of a song called "Let Your presence fall" It was acapella and was beautiful. It aided people in stopping and reflecting on the power and the presence of God in all things, including the business of life. Our Guests were Lt. Colonels Judith & John Jeffries, Captains Lindsay and Jenni Frost and Mrs. Lt. Col. Collinson played the piano for parts of the day. Spiritual days are an important part of the College calender. It's great to set aside a day from the business of study etc and seek out God through prayer and reflection. Come Holy Spirit!
Today was also the 3rd year Anniversary of Mum's passing. I caught up for lunch with the family and it was good to share fond memories of a beautiful woman of God. I miss her so much, but am so happy that she knew Jesus and because of that I'll be seeing her again one day. She had an incredible influence on my life and I thank God for her, and for the fact that she came to know Christ and continually grew from strength to strength. Thank you Go, for the gift of my Mum and for the beautiful spirit she had, and for her unconditional love for others and passion for you. Amen :)
Tonight I chaired a College Council meeting at my School where I was School Captain. I am still on the council, a year and a bit on after graduating. They made a position for me and I am thankful. This year at the AGM, I was voted in as Vice-President. I chaired the meeting tonight, because the president is away on holiday. I am thankful to still have influence in my school, a place that encouraged, supported and empowered me so much. Teachers at my school always thought that I would become a teacher (like I had planned) and become Principal of that school. They even still called me "Principal Stobie" haha. God please bless Hoppers Crossing Secondary College in every possible way. Thank you so much!
God of all eternity, we bow before You now to seek You, to know You more and to connect with You. You are strong, mighty and powerful, yet, you love us so much and know us individually. Sustain us by Your love and challenge us, compell us and convict us by Your Holy Spirit. You have been so gracious unto us, may we share your love, salvation and grace to all we come into contact with. For your name's sake, Amen!
God Bless you all - Missing you! Thanks for your prayers, thoughts and love. XOXOX
Today was also the 3rd year Anniversary of Mum's passing. I caught up for lunch with the family and it was good to share fond memories of a beautiful woman of God. I miss her so much, but am so happy that she knew Jesus and because of that I'll be seeing her again one day. She had an incredible influence on my life and I thank God for her, and for the fact that she came to know Christ and continually grew from strength to strength. Thank you Go, for the gift of my Mum and for the beautiful spirit she had, and for her unconditional love for others and passion for you. Amen :)
Tonight I chaired a College Council meeting at my School where I was School Captain. I am still on the council, a year and a bit on after graduating. They made a position for me and I am thankful. This year at the AGM, I was voted in as Vice-President. I chaired the meeting tonight, because the president is away on holiday. I am thankful to still have influence in my school, a place that encouraged, supported and empowered me so much. Teachers at my school always thought that I would become a teacher (like I had planned) and become Principal of that school. They even still called me "Principal Stobie" haha. God please bless Hoppers Crossing Secondary College in every possible way. Thank you so much!
God of all eternity, we bow before You now to seek You, to know You more and to connect with You. You are strong, mighty and powerful, yet, you love us so much and know us individually. Sustain us by Your love and challenge us, compell us and convict us by Your Holy Spirit. You have been so gracious unto us, may we share your love, salvation and grace to all we come into contact with. For your name's sake, Amen!
God Bless you all - Missing you! Thanks for your prayers, thoughts and love. XOXOX
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Dear Mum,
Today was Mothers Day. It was a beautiful day. The weather was warm, there were many smiles and it was a great day celebrate the beautiful gift of Mothers. Happy Mothers Day.
For me, Mothers day brings many, many memories, some good and some not so good. For those who don't know, In 2004, my beautiful Mum, Rhonda died exactly a week after Mothers day. So, today was emotional for me, and you know what, that's ok. At Moonee Ponds it was my turn to do a part in the meeting called "My Part" and so I did this and spoke about the specialness of Mothers and the great gift from God that they were. I got through, there were many tears, but I think people could understand what I was saying. To finish off this particular segment, I sung a song that I wrote, called 'Dear Mum'. It's mainly about my Mum, but it was my prayer that people would be able to take something special from it. Mum has been gone three years this coming Wednesday (the 16th). I miss her dearly, but I'll blog about that on Wednesday. Here's the song I wrote, I hope you are blessed by it and you can relate parts of it to your relationship with your Mum, or someone who has been a Motherly figure to you. God Bless!!!
Dear Mum,
Verse 1:
Thanks for all you’ve done for me,
And for the love you shared.
You taught us by example,
You showed how much you cared.
Now you’re in heaven,
You’re watching me from above.
I miss the smell of your perfume,
And the warmness of your hugs.
I look up to the stars at night,
And see your beautiful eyes,
Thanks for being in our lives.
Dear Mum
Verse 2:
One thing will always be true
You’ll always be my Mum, and I’ll always love you
The kisses and the hugs, the tenderness and love
That helped to see me through
I knew I could count on you
For me, Mothers day brings many, many memories, some good and some not so good. For those who don't know, In 2004, my beautiful Mum, Rhonda died exactly a week after Mothers day. So, today was emotional for me, and you know what, that's ok. At Moonee Ponds it was my turn to do a part in the meeting called "My Part" and so I did this and spoke about the specialness of Mothers and the great gift from God that they were. I got through, there were many tears, but I think people could understand what I was saying. To finish off this particular segment, I sung a song that I wrote, called 'Dear Mum'. It's mainly about my Mum, but it was my prayer that people would be able to take something special from it. Mum has been gone three years this coming Wednesday (the 16th). I miss her dearly, but I'll blog about that on Wednesday. Here's the song I wrote, I hope you are blessed by it and you can relate parts of it to your relationship with your Mum, or someone who has been a Motherly figure to you. God Bless!!!
Dear Mum,
Verse 1:
Thanks for all you’ve done for me,
And for the love you shared.
You taught us by example,
You showed how much you cared.
Now you’re in heaven,
You’re watching me from above.
I miss the smell of your perfume,
And the warmness of your hugs.
I look up to the stars at night,
And see your beautiful eyes,
Thanks for being in our lives.
Dear Mum
Verse 2:
One thing will always be true
You’ll always be my Mum, and I’ll always love you
The kisses and the hugs, the tenderness and love
That helped to see me through
I knew I could count on you
Monday, May 7, 2007
Grace's Place
Grace's place is an excellent expression of effectively sharing the Gospel with people from the community. It's a wonderful initiative that is run at my Corps Placement, Moonee Ponds Salvation Army on Fridays, 10am onwards.
It is held in the back hall, which is considerably large in size. When the leaders first walk in, it is merely just an empty hall. But by the time the people start rolling in, it has been transformed into a beautiful sanctuary. A place that is a refuge for some, a happy place, filled with joy, love and acceptance. The lower and middle class are well represented. Many come through the doors who need Jesus, and whom the community has forgotten about or, rejected. This is not the case at Grace's Place. It's set up with round tables with brightly coloured tableclothes drapped over them. There's board games, crosswords, coffee, tea, biscuits..It's truly amazing. There are also some couches along of the walls near the Welfare Office - Anyone can sit there, but generally those who are at the Salvo's for Welfare sit there.
After 45 mins or so of good fellowship, There is an intentional discussion time, where the leader will write a question or phrase on the whiteboard and all those in attendance, as well as the leader explore the question or phrase further. The best part is that the Welfare clients join in as well. They love it. After half an our of discussion we share in a meal together. After that there is a Mini Worship service, where we sing some songs, read the Word and then have a short sermon/devotional.
I had the awesome oppurtunity to lead this last Friday, as the Corps Officers were on Holidays. For discussion time I wrote on the board "What is love?" The discussion time was wonderful. Lots of the welfare clients joined in, as well as the other people who were there for Grace's Place. All up there was about 25-30 sharing in discussion. A big pool of idea's, suggestions, views and experiences. It was wonderful. Discussion time finished and we then shared in a meal together.
For our worship session we sang some songs of Praise, thanking God for all He is doing! I then spoke about love and what the Bible had to say about it. The three Scriptures I used all had different dimensions of love, but they all led back to the same principle. To be like Jesus, we MUST love. The Scriptures were:
1st Corinthians 13:1-8 & 15
Galations 5:22-26
John 3:16
I thank God so much for the oppurtunity to minister in this way @ Grace's Place and Praise God for the lives changed because of Him. Read these verses and tell me what you think about what the Bible is saying about LOVE.
Miss you all - God Bless!
It is held in the back hall, which is considerably large in size. When the leaders first walk in, it is merely just an empty hall. But by the time the people start rolling in, it has been transformed into a beautiful sanctuary. A place that is a refuge for some, a happy place, filled with joy, love and acceptance. The lower and middle class are well represented. Many come through the doors who need Jesus, and whom the community has forgotten about or, rejected. This is not the case at Grace's Place. It's set up with round tables with brightly coloured tableclothes drapped over them. There's board games, crosswords, coffee, tea, biscuits..It's truly amazing. There are also some couches along of the walls near the Welfare Office - Anyone can sit there, but generally those who are at the Salvo's for Welfare sit there.
After 45 mins or so of good fellowship, There is an intentional discussion time, where the leader will write a question or phrase on the whiteboard and all those in attendance, as well as the leader explore the question or phrase further. The best part is that the Welfare clients join in as well. They love it. After half an our of discussion we share in a meal together. After that there is a Mini Worship service, where we sing some songs, read the Word and then have a short sermon/devotional.
I had the awesome oppurtunity to lead this last Friday, as the Corps Officers were on Holidays. For discussion time I wrote on the board "What is love?" The discussion time was wonderful. Lots of the welfare clients joined in, as well as the other people who were there for Grace's Place. All up there was about 25-30 sharing in discussion. A big pool of idea's, suggestions, views and experiences. It was wonderful. Discussion time finished and we then shared in a meal together.
For our worship session we sang some songs of Praise, thanking God for all He is doing! I then spoke about love and what the Bible had to say about it. The three Scriptures I used all had different dimensions of love, but they all led back to the same principle. To be like Jesus, we MUST love. The Scriptures were:
1st Corinthians 13:1-8 & 15
Galations 5:22-26
John 3:16
I thank God so much for the oppurtunity to minister in this way @ Grace's Place and Praise God for the lives changed because of Him. Read these verses and tell me what you think about what the Bible is saying about LOVE.
Miss you all - God Bless!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Lectio Divina
We had Spiritual Formation today and we learnt about a method of Prayers call 'Lectio Divina.'The term 'Lectio Divina' is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading," and represents a method of prayer and scriptural reading intended to promote communion (conversation) with God and to provide special spiritual insights. It is a way of praying with Scripture that calls one to study, ponder, listen and, finally, pray from God's Word.
I've done a bit of reading up on this and there is basically 4 moments in this method of prayer. They are:
Lectio (Selection)
Read the passage slowly several times.
Meditatio (Practise)
Reflect on the text of the passage, thinking about how to apply to one's own life. Gravitate to any particular phrase or word that seems to be of particular import. It is a very personal reading of the Scripture and application to one's own life.
Oratio (Prayer)
Respond to the passage by opening the heart to God. This is not primarily an intellectual exercise, but more of the beginning of a conversation with God.
Contemplatio (Survey)
Listen to God. This is a freeing oneself from one's own thoughts, both mundane and holy. It is about hearing God talk to us. Opening our mind, heart and soul to the influence of God. Any conversation must allow for both sides to communicate, and this most unfamiliar act is allowing oneself to be open to hearing God speak.
I really felt God speak clearly to me during this time of prayer today. We focused on the Scripture found in John 14: 21-26. You can look it up for yourselves, But the part where God spoke clearly was where He said "The Holy Spirit will teach you everything". Over the past couples of weeks Satan has been reminding me of my shortcomings, failures and how I don't understand or know everything straight away. He's taken pleasure when I see how there are so many other awesome Christian's/leaders and how I'm not up th that same standard as maybe others in my session are, but that's ok because the Holy Spirit will teach me everything. It's a process in which I will learn constantly and consistently. It won't all happen at once.
I am thankful for this method of communication with God. May I continually learn from God's Holy Spirit and may I continue to seek out direction from God.
Where are you at with God now? Do you connect with Him each time that you pray? Mayb you could try this method of prayer. Glory to God in His church, for Christ's sake - Amen!
Miss you all!!!
P.S - I've started reading the Bible cover-to-cover (well sort of) I read Some chapters from Genesis and Matthew...So I'm moving through both testaments at the same time. It's exciting - God is so very good!! Maybe God will lay it upon your heart to do it also. Hallelujah!
I've done a bit of reading up on this and there is basically 4 moments in this method of prayer. They are:
Lectio (Selection)
Read the passage slowly several times.
Meditatio (Practise)
Reflect on the text of the passage, thinking about how to apply to one's own life. Gravitate to any particular phrase or word that seems to be of particular import. It is a very personal reading of the Scripture and application to one's own life.
Oratio (Prayer)
Respond to the passage by opening the heart to God. This is not primarily an intellectual exercise, but more of the beginning of a conversation with God.
Contemplatio (Survey)
Listen to God. This is a freeing oneself from one's own thoughts, both mundane and holy. It is about hearing God talk to us. Opening our mind, heart and soul to the influence of God. Any conversation must allow for both sides to communicate, and this most unfamiliar act is allowing oneself to be open to hearing God speak.
I really felt God speak clearly to me during this time of prayer today. We focused on the Scripture found in John 14: 21-26. You can look it up for yourselves, But the part where God spoke clearly was where He said "The Holy Spirit will teach you everything". Over the past couples of weeks Satan has been reminding me of my shortcomings, failures and how I don't understand or know everything straight away. He's taken pleasure when I see how there are so many other awesome Christian's/leaders and how I'm not up th that same standard as maybe others in my session are, but that's ok because the Holy Spirit will teach me everything. It's a process in which I will learn constantly and consistently. It won't all happen at once.
I am thankful for this method of communication with God. May I continually learn from God's Holy Spirit and may I continue to seek out direction from God.
Where are you at with God now? Do you connect with Him each time that you pray? Mayb you could try this method of prayer. Glory to God in His church, for Christ's sake - Amen!
Miss you all!!!
P.S - I've started reading the Bible cover-to-cover (well sort of) I read Some chapters from Genesis and Matthew...So I'm moving through both testaments at the same time. It's exciting - God is so very good!! Maybe God will lay it upon your heart to do it also. Hallelujah!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
A wonderful day!!!
I led prayers this morning at College and I decided to get everyone to write down the alphabet and then write down words of praise to God next to each letter. When we finished this we had a prayer time where there was opportunity to loudly speak our prayers to God! It was fantastic. People all over the place we're saying words and sentences of praise. God is so good. He was happy!
We then had Theology A (Salvation Army) This was good. We spoke about lots of things. One of the mains things was the fact that God doesn't grade sin, to Him, it's all bad and equally bad. We also spoke about the sixth Salvation Army Doctrine. "We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has by His suffering and death made an atonement for the whole world so thst whosoever will may be saved." - We spoke about Christ's suffering and death and that He did it so that anyone who seeks Him out for forgiveness and steps into a relationship with Him, will be saved. This is open to ANYBODY, Not just the Jews, and not Just the Gentiles, EVERYBODY!! Jews, Gentiles, Black and white - EVERYBODY you can think of!
After class I went somewhere that holds a VERY VERY special place in my heart. The Williamstown Salvation Army for Home League. This is a beautiful expression of a faithful Corps. These people are incredibly faithful. They may be getting older, But they're loving the Lord more and more each day as He reveals more of Himself to them. I love each of them dearly. This Corps has some remarkable people who continually strive for Holiness and strive to be like Jesus. Two people for example are Major Ruth Bennett and Dorothy. They are both faithful servants of Christ and I am incredibly blessed to know them. They bless me in very special ways. PLEASE pray for this Corps. This is a Corps of Prayer Warriors, faithful intercessors who long to see revival. Join them with your prayers.
Tomorrow I have 'Grace's Place' @ Moonee Ponds...I'm leading it as the CO's are away on vacation (Furlough). I'll blog more about what it actually is and how I went tomorrow.
God is faithful. He loves us and cares for us dearly. He's desperate to see people turn unto Him. May WE be Jesus to those who are yet to know Him. God Bless you as you experience His ocean of love, forgiveness, salvation and grace.
Serving under the Risen King Jesus,
Cadet Stobes xoxo
We then had Theology A (Salvation Army) This was good. We spoke about lots of things. One of the mains things was the fact that God doesn't grade sin, to Him, it's all bad and equally bad. We also spoke about the sixth Salvation Army Doctrine. "We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has by His suffering and death made an atonement for the whole world so thst whosoever will may be saved." - We spoke about Christ's suffering and death and that He did it so that anyone who seeks Him out for forgiveness and steps into a relationship with Him, will be saved. This is open to ANYBODY, Not just the Jews, and not Just the Gentiles, EVERYBODY!! Jews, Gentiles, Black and white - EVERYBODY you can think of!
After class I went somewhere that holds a VERY VERY special place in my heart. The Williamstown Salvation Army for Home League. This is a beautiful expression of a faithful Corps. These people are incredibly faithful. They may be getting older, But they're loving the Lord more and more each day as He reveals more of Himself to them. I love each of them dearly. This Corps has some remarkable people who continually strive for Holiness and strive to be like Jesus. Two people for example are Major Ruth Bennett and Dorothy. They are both faithful servants of Christ and I am incredibly blessed to know them. They bless me in very special ways. PLEASE pray for this Corps. This is a Corps of Prayer Warriors, faithful intercessors who long to see revival. Join them with your prayers.
Tomorrow I have 'Grace's Place' @ Moonee Ponds...I'm leading it as the CO's are away on vacation (Furlough). I'll blog more about what it actually is and how I went tomorrow.
God is faithful. He loves us and cares for us dearly. He's desperate to see people turn unto Him. May WE be Jesus to those who are yet to know Him. God Bless you as you experience His ocean of love, forgiveness, salvation and grace.
Serving under the Risen King Jesus,
Cadet Stobes xoxo
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Relational Evangelism
God has really challenged me about Relational Evengelism lately. I even presented a tutorial on it to my Mission Foundations class. Here are some fo the notes from it.
The theological basis for relational evangelism comes from a perspective on the doctrine of the incarnation. In John 1:14, we read that “...the word of God became flesh and dwelt among us”. The Greek term for flesh, here, is sarx, which is used when referring to flesh, muscles, tissue and the like. The implication is that the Jesus, who was born, was a human being through and through. The term, “incarnation” is taken from the Greek word, “in carne” or literally, “in the flesh”. Yet at the very same time Jesus was and is also fully, God. To put it another way, God, not ceasing to be God, became a human. To diminish either characteristic in our understanding of Jesus, leads us to false theology.
Relational evangelism emphasizes that the incarnation is the ultimate example of God initiating personal, intimate contact with mankind in the context of a relationship. In Christ, we have “...the visible expression of the invisible God”. (Colossians 3:15 JBP) We can “Behold the glory of the Father” because Jesus came to us “in the flesh” In John's Epistle, (I John 1) he emphasizes that they had their senses exposed to Jesus (we have heard, seen and touched Him). Through the incarnation the Infinite God became the Infinite Personal God. It is also interesting to note that the term “dwelt” in John 1:14 is an Aramaic term which is translated, “pitching one's tent.” The imagery is rich, as we have a Saviour who did not merely put in an appearance for an hour or a day, but who “pitched his tent” among the human race, consenting to “make Himself nothing." (Phil. 2:7)
This is the truth of the incarnation that gives relational evangelism its methodology for reaching the lost. As God personally brought the Good News to mankind, so we are to “incarnate” Christ to the lost, that is, to break through, (pitch our tent) significantly into the lives of the pre-Christian for the purpose of not only verbalizing the Gospel but also to live it before them. As Christ lives His life through the believer, they see the “visible expression of the invisible God” as well as hearing the Word of salvation.
Evangelism is the duty of all Christians. The great commission at the end of Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 28:19) is a commission for all who follow Jesus Christ: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” There are reasons as to why we must do this and do it with a joyful heart. Christ commands us to do this, the world urgently needs the Gospel and the fields are already “ripe for harvest” (John 4:35). So why have we become so complacent in this and not moving out and building relationships? God commands us to do this.
We share our faith because we cannot contain ourselves. This was true of the early church. When the religious authorities ordered the disciples to stop preaching the gospel, Peter’s answer described their burning desire: “For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
Evangelism is not a matter of knowing all the answers, nor does it require that we have a sophisticated theological argument. Instead, it is a natural outgrowth of a deep faith that drives Christians to share their faith. It is something good that we want others to enjoy. Something we can’t contain because we are so excited by it. That’s the Good News of Christ Jesus!
Relational evangelism is something that I am very passionate about. Not because it’s easy or less work than other forms of evangelism, but because I can relate to people more because of our common interests. Relational evangelism just makes sense to me. Its potential is huge and if done correctly can be a mighty work for the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s combining things that you love. Your love for Christ combined with your love for hobbies/activities. Your Christlikeness will just ooze out of you and as you journey with people they WILL see Christ. They will notice that something is different and the faith journey begins. How exciting! God is so good – Hallelujah!
During the tutorial discussion, some people had a bit of an issue with me using the phrase 'Evagelism is the DUTY of ALL Christians... What do you think? I'm very interested to read peoples thoughts on this.
God Bless - Miss you all!
Love, Stobielicious!
The theological basis for relational evangelism comes from a perspective on the doctrine of the incarnation. In John 1:14, we read that “...the word of God became flesh and dwelt among us”. The Greek term for flesh, here, is sarx, which is used when referring to flesh, muscles, tissue and the like. The implication is that the Jesus, who was born, was a human being through and through. The term, “incarnation” is taken from the Greek word, “in carne” or literally, “in the flesh”. Yet at the very same time Jesus was and is also fully, God. To put it another way, God, not ceasing to be God, became a human. To diminish either characteristic in our understanding of Jesus, leads us to false theology.
Relational evangelism emphasizes that the incarnation is the ultimate example of God initiating personal, intimate contact with mankind in the context of a relationship. In Christ, we have “...the visible expression of the invisible God”. (Colossians 3:15 JBP) We can “Behold the glory of the Father” because Jesus came to us “in the flesh” In John's Epistle, (I John 1) he emphasizes that they had their senses exposed to Jesus (we have heard, seen and touched Him). Through the incarnation the Infinite God became the Infinite Personal God. It is also interesting to note that the term “dwelt” in John 1:14 is an Aramaic term which is translated, “pitching one's tent.” The imagery is rich, as we have a Saviour who did not merely put in an appearance for an hour or a day, but who “pitched his tent” among the human race, consenting to “make Himself nothing." (Phil. 2:7)
This is the truth of the incarnation that gives relational evangelism its methodology for reaching the lost. As God personally brought the Good News to mankind, so we are to “incarnate” Christ to the lost, that is, to break through, (pitch our tent) significantly into the lives of the pre-Christian for the purpose of not only verbalizing the Gospel but also to live it before them. As Christ lives His life through the believer, they see the “visible expression of the invisible God” as well as hearing the Word of salvation.
Evangelism is the duty of all Christians. The great commission at the end of Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 28:19) is a commission for all who follow Jesus Christ: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” There are reasons as to why we must do this and do it with a joyful heart. Christ commands us to do this, the world urgently needs the Gospel and the fields are already “ripe for harvest” (John 4:35). So why have we become so complacent in this and not moving out and building relationships? God commands us to do this.
We share our faith because we cannot contain ourselves. This was true of the early church. When the religious authorities ordered the disciples to stop preaching the gospel, Peter’s answer described their burning desire: “For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
Evangelism is not a matter of knowing all the answers, nor does it require that we have a sophisticated theological argument. Instead, it is a natural outgrowth of a deep faith that drives Christians to share their faith. It is something good that we want others to enjoy. Something we can’t contain because we are so excited by it. That’s the Good News of Christ Jesus!
Relational evangelism is something that I am very passionate about. Not because it’s easy or less work than other forms of evangelism, but because I can relate to people more because of our common interests. Relational evangelism just makes sense to me. Its potential is huge and if done correctly can be a mighty work for the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s combining things that you love. Your love for Christ combined with your love for hobbies/activities. Your Christlikeness will just ooze out of you and as you journey with people they WILL see Christ. They will notice that something is different and the faith journey begins. How exciting! God is so good – Hallelujah!
During the tutorial discussion, some people had a bit of an issue with me using the phrase 'Evagelism is the DUTY of ALL Christians... What do you think? I'm very interested to read peoples thoughts on this.
God Bless - Miss you all!
Love, Stobielicious!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
God shall have all there is of...........
"God shall have all there is of William Booth"
The famous words of the founder of The Salvation Army. It wasn't "God shall have bits and pieces of William Booth" or even "God can have this and that of William Booth" Can you imagine if he did say that? Would God's full blessing or anointing be on him? This question makes me think, Does God have all there is of me and you? Does God have all there is of ALL Salvation Army Corps or Social Programmes? My guess is probably not. I desperately long for the day when every aspect and facit of The Salvation Army are on fire, passionate Christians that are filled with the Holy Spirit. People who will not be satisfied doing it their own way. Who will whole-heartedly seek out God's will and His desires. Men and Women who will not be content with the idea of leaving a dark, lost soul in the world! God has really challenged me recently - saying "Aaron as if you being in College is an excuse for souls not to be saved, get out there in your spare time and share the love, grace and free gift of Salvation to ALL people" It's SO true! The walls of 303 are NO BOUNDARY and should not be seen as that, while we're in here. Sure we won't have as much oppurtunity to witness, but there will STILL BE OPPORTUNITIES! God has also challenged me "Instead of wasting your time Stobie complaining about the mundane things, get on your knee's, put your head to the floor and PRAY...Bury yourself in MY word..."
From this day forward, God shall TRULY have all this is of Aaron Stobie!
Lord Bless Your Army - In Your mighty name!
The famous words of the founder of The Salvation Army. It wasn't "God shall have bits and pieces of William Booth" or even "God can have this and that of William Booth" Can you imagine if he did say that? Would God's full blessing or anointing be on him? This question makes me think, Does God have all there is of me and you? Does God have all there is of ALL Salvation Army Corps or Social Programmes? My guess is probably not. I desperately long for the day when every aspect and facit of The Salvation Army are on fire, passionate Christians that are filled with the Holy Spirit. People who will not be satisfied doing it their own way. Who will whole-heartedly seek out God's will and His desires. Men and Women who will not be content with the idea of leaving a dark, lost soul in the world! God has really challenged me recently - saying "Aaron as if you being in College is an excuse for souls not to be saved, get out there in your spare time and share the love, grace and free gift of Salvation to ALL people" It's SO true! The walls of 303 are NO BOUNDARY and should not be seen as that, while we're in here. Sure we won't have as much oppurtunity to witness, but there will STILL BE OPPORTUNITIES! God has also challenged me "Instead of wasting your time Stobie complaining about the mundane things, get on your knee's, put your head to the floor and PRAY...Bury yourself in MY word..."
From this day forward, God shall TRULY have all this is of Aaron Stobie!
Lord Bless Your Army - In Your mighty name!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hebrews 7:23-28.
I preached a couple of weeks ago, at the Thornbury Salvation Army. Here's some of the notes from that message...
Hebrews 7:23-28 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25Therefore he is able to save completely[c] those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
26Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. 27Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. 28For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.
1. He is able to save unto the uttermost – It doesn’t matter how deep people go into sin, God can save them. Paul said ‘’Christ came to save sinners, of whom I am the chief’’ Look at Paul when he still bore the name of Saul. He was a Pharisee, he thought he was about the best man God put in the world. But he hated Christ and Christians. He thought he was doing God a HUGE favour when he looked for Christians and put them to death. Can God do anything with such a man? YES! One day on the Damascus road He stopped this man, convicted him of his sin and transformed him COMPLETELY. The chief of sinners became the chief of saints. ‘’He saves them to the uttermost’’
2. God is able to transform lives – Some people think that salvation is intended only to save from hell. No, as we come to Christ, not only does He save our souls, He changes our lives. Has your life been changed? When you come to Christ as the old preachers used to say ‘’the things you once loved, you now hate and the things you hated, you know love.’’ The truly converted person has an altogether changed attitude about everything. Before they were saved they saw no harm in many worldly practices. After they have been saved they say ‘’I can’t do that now, I am a child of God’’
3. God is able to keep us from falling – Do you believe it? Jude 24 says ‘’Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy’’ ! Paul says that ‘’For I am persuaded , that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.’’ What a promise!! HALLELUJAH!
4. God is able to keep His promises – God called Abraham and told him that from his loins there would come a great nation and from that nation would come the world’s Messiah and Saviour. But Abraham was 100 years old and his wife, Sarah was 90 years old. How could they have a child? But God made His promise and Abraham believed it, although Sarah laughed at it. To her the idea was ridiculous. But God performed a miracle and Isaac was born. God kept His promise! God’s book is full of promises of God and God is ABLE to keep every one of them. A dear old lady put the two letters ‘’T & P,’’ by many of the promises in the Bible. When she was asked what she meant by using these letters alongside these promises she replied, ‘’I meant that they had been tried and proved’’
Hebrews 7:25 - Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
If you want full notes, let me know. Blessings!!
Hebrews 7:23-28 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25Therefore he is able to save completely[c] those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
26Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. 27Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. 28For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.
1. He is able to save unto the uttermost – It doesn’t matter how deep people go into sin, God can save them. Paul said ‘’Christ came to save sinners, of whom I am the chief’’ Look at Paul when he still bore the name of Saul. He was a Pharisee, he thought he was about the best man God put in the world. But he hated Christ and Christians. He thought he was doing God a HUGE favour when he looked for Christians and put them to death. Can God do anything with such a man? YES! One day on the Damascus road He stopped this man, convicted him of his sin and transformed him COMPLETELY. The chief of sinners became the chief of saints. ‘’He saves them to the uttermost’’
2. God is able to transform lives – Some people think that salvation is intended only to save from hell. No, as we come to Christ, not only does He save our souls, He changes our lives. Has your life been changed? When you come to Christ as the old preachers used to say ‘’the things you once loved, you now hate and the things you hated, you know love.’’ The truly converted person has an altogether changed attitude about everything. Before they were saved they saw no harm in many worldly practices. After they have been saved they say ‘’I can’t do that now, I am a child of God’’
3. God is able to keep us from falling – Do you believe it? Jude 24 says ‘’Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy’’ ! Paul says that ‘’For I am persuaded , that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.’’ What a promise!! HALLELUJAH!
4. God is able to keep His promises – God called Abraham and told him that from his loins there would come a great nation and from that nation would come the world’s Messiah and Saviour. But Abraham was 100 years old and his wife, Sarah was 90 years old. How could they have a child? But God made His promise and Abraham believed it, although Sarah laughed at it. To her the idea was ridiculous. But God performed a miracle and Isaac was born. God kept His promise! God’s book is full of promises of God and God is ABLE to keep every one of them. A dear old lady put the two letters ‘’T & P,’’ by many of the promises in the Bible. When she was asked what she meant by using these letters alongside these promises she replied, ‘’I meant that they had been tried and proved’’
Hebrews 7:25 - Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
If you want full notes, let me know. Blessings!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
My new friend, Gracie....
I have a new found friend! Her name is Gracie and she has a beautiful spirit and personality. She has loads of energy and as far as I can tell, she loves life. She is a very fast runner and loves the halls of the Training College. She is so much fun to be around and cause hours of good laughter. Gracie is my new pet Hermit Crab!
She is pretty big for a Hermit Crab. She really is incredibly active, she can probably run faster than me. She is beautiful because God created her. She is apart of his marvellous creation. I will hopefully get Gracie another Hermit Crab friend...Haven;t even begun to think of names yet. You can come visit her anytime you want.
I trust the Lord has been drenching you in love and blessings!!
Missing you all!
Love & Prayers always,
Cadet Stobielicious!
She is pretty big for a Hermit Crab. She really is incredibly active, she can probably run faster than me. She is beautiful because God created her. She is apart of his marvellous creation. I will hopefully get Gracie another Hermit Crab friend...Haven;t even begun to think of names yet. You can come visit her anytime you want.
I trust the Lord has been drenching you in love and blessings!!
Missing you all!
Love & Prayers always,
Cadet Stobielicious!
Friday, March 30, 2007
You're my Lord
I was apart of an incredible night of praise last week. It was organised by the Melbourne Staff Songsters (MSS) - It was a beautiful night of worship. God was with us and we worshipped in Spirit and in Truth. One of the songs we sang was just amazing. God spoke to me very clearly through this song. It's called 'You're my Lord' By the New Zealand based, Parachute Band. It is amazing. It's a reflective song that flows very smoothly and help people to enter into deep worship with God.
You are calling me I hear You, Deeper into You I run to worship You alone, You are God alone. You are everything that I adore.
You're my Lord, You're all I long for. In Your hands there's power to heal, power to love. You're my Lord, You're my treasure. You're enthroned in holiness, Majesty.
God spoke to me through this song. Confirming His calling upon my life. But He told me that I have to only long for Him. To rely on the power and healing in His hands, and to run deeper into Him. To offer my WHOLE life up to Him as worship. Every little teeny weeny part of my life to Him. He is faithful. He calls me to life a holy life. To have a life of Holiness. This IS possible through the Holy Spirit and the might power of God, who is at work within us.
I pray that God speaks very clearly to you through this song. Let me know what you think.
Serving under the Risen King - Jesus!,
Stobes xoxox
You are calling me I hear You, Deeper into You I run to worship You alone, You are God alone. You are everything that I adore.
You're my Lord, You're all I long for. In Your hands there's power to heal, power to love. You're my Lord, You're my treasure. You're enthroned in holiness, Majesty.
God spoke to me through this song. Confirming His calling upon my life. But He told me that I have to only long for Him. To rely on the power and healing in His hands, and to run deeper into Him. To offer my WHOLE life up to Him as worship. Every little teeny weeny part of my life to Him. He is faithful. He calls me to life a holy life. To have a life of Holiness. This IS possible through the Holy Spirit and the might power of God, who is at work within us.
I pray that God speaks very clearly to you through this song. Let me know what you think.
Serving under the Risen King - Jesus!,
Stobes xoxox
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
John 10:10
Today I was not in class, I did not have S.F.E and I did not go to afternoon house duties. I have a slight case of food poisoning. I went out with a friend for supper last night. In the Cafe' I saw thing beautifully, delicious pastry thing with crean and custard...and even better than that, It was on special!! WOOHOO!! There were obvious reasons for that. I finished eating it, It tasted fine. We hopped in the car and on our journey home, my stomach began to experience 'cramps' they weren't too bad to begin with...However, they didn't stop at minimal discomrt. It turned they became really really painful. And so I was awake most of the night with these stomach cramps, there a more details that do not need to be addressed here. I was reminded of how satan makes things look incredibly good to us, in order to lure us in. He causes us to stumble. The result is that we do stumble. And we can fall into temptation because it looks so inviting. I love God's promise in John 10:10 where he says: 'I have come so that you may have life in ALL it fullness' I plan to live that full life both in an earthly sense and in an eternal sense. God intends us to live forever with Him, but we need to follow His leading and continue to have a healthy relationship with Him and do the things that He wants us to do. Regardless of what we have done in the past, where we have been - Today is a new day! He has called us to life in all it's fullness! Are you living a life that's full? If not will you begin one today?
God Bless you!!
God Bless you!!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
What has God been saying to you?
Okay, okay - So I haven't blogged for awhile, I'm sorry. Still getting used to College, now I'm used to it, I ready and raring to go!! God is good.
Let me share some stuff with you...
LENT - For lent this year I've given up using the lifts at College - Man using stairs from 1st floor to 10 going up - Your legs feel it! But it's a great time for me to pray while I'm doing that. I'm hoping that Lent will get me into the mindframe that I don't need to use lifts at all. After all I don't wanna turin into a 'Porky Pig in a Cadets uniform' - I started jogging the other day around Princes Park. It's lovely! There are SOO many people jogging in the morning and at night, it's incredible! A bunch of people, all there for the same reason - to get fit and stay fit.
I have been reminded this week of the worlds need for Salvation! They need Jesus! There is an urgency in this. He calls us to become equipped and empowered by His Holy Spirit. We are Soldiers and we need to continually move forward to the front line. No longer can we sit around being half-baked Christians. It's time to take a stand, to boldly put on the armour of God and to move forward in the mighty power of Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen One, The Holy One, The Saving One, Redeeming One, All-Powerful One - In HIS name, in HIS strength - May be step up to the challenge of the great commission.... Are you with me?
So what is it that God has been speaking into your life over the past couple of weeks, I'd really enjoy hearing what He has been saying to you. Please comment on it and be a blessing to others as you do.
I thank God for you each!
Let me share some stuff with you...
LENT - For lent this year I've given up using the lifts at College - Man using stairs from 1st floor to 10 going up - Your legs feel it! But it's a great time for me to pray while I'm doing that. I'm hoping that Lent will get me into the mindframe that I don't need to use lifts at all. After all I don't wanna turin into a 'Porky Pig in a Cadets uniform' - I started jogging the other day around Princes Park. It's lovely! There are SOO many people jogging in the morning and at night, it's incredible! A bunch of people, all there for the same reason - to get fit and stay fit.
I have been reminded this week of the worlds need for Salvation! They need Jesus! There is an urgency in this. He calls us to become equipped and empowered by His Holy Spirit. We are Soldiers and we need to continually move forward to the front line. No longer can we sit around being half-baked Christians. It's time to take a stand, to boldly put on the armour of God and to move forward in the mighty power of Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen One, The Holy One, The Saving One, Redeeming One, All-Powerful One - In HIS name, in HIS strength - May be step up to the challenge of the great commission.... Are you with me?
So what is it that God has been speaking into your life over the past couple of weeks, I'd really enjoy hearing what He has been saying to you. Please comment on it and be a blessing to others as you do.
I thank God for you each!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
You either hate them or you love them - They are a thing that have bought many blessings to people within the Army and outside of the Army. They have been the basis for many fond memories for those outside of the Army and generally a memory that people within the Army would like to forget.
So what is it about Timbrels? Personally, I LOVE worshipping God through the playing of my Timbrel. I was having a discussion the other day with someone who said that Timbrels were 'Old, outdated and irrelevant' For some of you, you probably agree. Me on the other hand, have a different view of them. Perhaps a Timbrel Brigade playing out the front of a worship service is not relevant, However, In my opinion - I believe that If I want to stand/sit in the congregation and play my timbrel in worship, then It is a way of personal worship, within a corporate setting and that, is never outdated. Personal worship can never be outdate, and people cannot judge on how 'Spiritual' or not you are simply because you play a timbrel!
Timbrels attract people - they are noisy! It's all about the attitude. If people play them to glorify God - It's an act of worship and it's relevant. However if it's for the glory of ones self, it then BECOMES outdated, old and irrelevant. We used Timbrels last year at a big street festival/march - It was incredible! People heard, and they looked and saw the love of Jesus with all those marching. God was glorified through this event!
If you have the right attitude, then go for it...If not, then I think it's time to store the Timbrel in the cupboard!
God of all eternity - May you challenge us to always have the right attitude when we worship you. Whatever we use to worship - may it be for your glory!
So what is it about Timbrels? Personally, I LOVE worshipping God through the playing of my Timbrel. I was having a discussion the other day with someone who said that Timbrels were 'Old, outdated and irrelevant' For some of you, you probably agree. Me on the other hand, have a different view of them. Perhaps a Timbrel Brigade playing out the front of a worship service is not relevant, However, In my opinion - I believe that If I want to stand/sit in the congregation and play my timbrel in worship, then It is a way of personal worship, within a corporate setting and that, is never outdated. Personal worship can never be outdate, and people cannot judge on how 'Spiritual' or not you are simply because you play a timbrel!
Timbrels attract people - they are noisy! It's all about the attitude. If people play them to glorify God - It's an act of worship and it's relevant. However if it's for the glory of ones self, it then BECOMES outdated, old and irrelevant. We used Timbrels last year at a big street festival/march - It was incredible! People heard, and they looked and saw the love of Jesus with all those marching. God was glorified through this event!
If you have the right attitude, then go for it...If not, then I think it's time to store the Timbrel in the cupboard!
God of all eternity - May you challenge us to always have the right attitude when we worship you. Whatever we use to worship - may it be for your glory!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Psalm 104 - The works of God in Nature!
Psalm 104:1 says:
''Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; You are clothed with splendour and majesty.''
What an awesome proclamation of praise to begin with. Look at the descriptive words written in this verse. Splendour...majesty...great..clothed. God is wonderful.
We can often forget just how incredible God is - It's hard for our mind to comprehend the enormity of God. I really encourage you to read all of Psalm 104 as it is just an incredible Psalm of praise, adoration and worship. Use it as a devotional. Use it for challenge. Use it for encouragement. Use it for life. Live it.
Father as we recognise your voice and your calling we praise you. You created this earth and you still know us by our name. You call us Your children and you seek to have a real, deep and meaningful relationship with us. You love us, and we thank You for Your love. May our lives be an example and testimony of Your great love and provision for us! Hallelujah!
''Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; You are clothed with splendour and majesty.''
What an awesome proclamation of praise to begin with. Look at the descriptive words written in this verse. Splendour...majesty...great..clothed. God is wonderful.
We can often forget just how incredible God is - It's hard for our mind to comprehend the enormity of God. I really encourage you to read all of Psalm 104 as it is just an incredible Psalm of praise, adoration and worship. Use it as a devotional. Use it for challenge. Use it for encouragement. Use it for life. Live it.
Father as we recognise your voice and your calling we praise you. You created this earth and you still know us by our name. You call us Your children and you seek to have a real, deep and meaningful relationship with us. You love us, and we thank You for Your love. May our lives be an example and testimony of Your great love and provision for us! Hallelujah!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Worship & Preaching
To all those reading - May you experience the joy of the Lord and His grace, love and peace as you continue to seek the very heart of God and live totally devoted to Him!
Some would say that College has started - And I would agree with them to a certain degree. We started Orientation on the 31st and that went for a week and a half - It was good stuff. Yesterday we started an intensive on Worship & Preaching Essentials, this goes for two weeks. For those who don't know, an intensive is when you do a unit everyday for 2 weeks, rather than doing it over a semester. In order to get all the units completed for the degree there needs to be some intensives thrown in here and there. It's a wonderful thing.
Today in class we were discussing different aspects of worship and we looked at a range of different categories they are placed in. Formal liturgical, Traditional Hymn Book, Contempory Music, Seeker-Sensitive etc What encourages me is that there are so many aspects of worship, for it is not just music, worship is a lifestyle.It's glorifying God. My challenge for you... Think about your life, your work, your place of learning, the things you do during the week and ask yourself if the things you do glorify God. Every single thing we do should bring God glory as our act of worship. God has challenged me with this and I pray He has spoken to you through my words. I pray that you get absolutely drenched in love and blessings from our AWESOME God!!
Some would say that College has started - And I would agree with them to a certain degree. We started Orientation on the 31st and that went for a week and a half - It was good stuff. Yesterday we started an intensive on Worship & Preaching Essentials, this goes for two weeks. For those who don't know, an intensive is when you do a unit everyday for 2 weeks, rather than doing it over a semester. In order to get all the units completed for the degree there needs to be some intensives thrown in here and there. It's a wonderful thing.
Today in class we were discussing different aspects of worship and we looked at a range of different categories they are placed in. Formal liturgical, Traditional Hymn Book, Contempory Music, Seeker-Sensitive etc What encourages me is that there are so many aspects of worship, for it is not just music, worship is a lifestyle.It's glorifying God. My challenge for you... Think about your life, your work, your place of learning, the things you do during the week and ask yourself if the things you do glorify God. Every single thing we do should bring God glory as our act of worship. God has challenged me with this and I pray He has spoken to you through my words. I pray that you get absolutely drenched in love and blessings from our AWESOME God!!
Friday, February 2, 2007
3 days down, How many now to go??
The first 3 days of College have been brilliant! Sure it's only been orientation, but I have already learnt so much. I've learnt that getting up for house duties @ 7:30am isn't so bad, infact it is actually quiet fun! I've learnt that it takes ages to get hot water on the 6th floor, but I'm thankful that I can actually have a shower with clean, cold water - it is a luxuary for many. I've learn't that regardless how tired I may be, I'm still incredibly energetic and extraverted - Can you believe it's me? I've learnt that God is so much bigger than anything I could ever imagine, actually I didn't JUST learn that, I've known it for quiet some time. I've learnt that Orientation comes in many different shapes and forms and you can have orientation for almost anything - I've actually got a few suggestions for nexts years Orientation...
Orientation to the Orientation course.
Orientation to local shopping
Orientation to the building
Orientation to big day out noise
Orientation to local restaurants
Orientation to taking FREE books from the College
Orientation on picking up your meals AND ordering them
Orientation to 'getting to know you' nights
And well, thats just to name a few. It's all good. I'm absolutely LOVING God and what He is saying to me. Our session is GREAT, They ALL love Jesus! And they are passionate about doing what He wants for their lives and the life of His Army. Can you Please pray for all the Cadets of the Witnesses for Christ session - May we continue to be full on for Him, to be totally, wholly and fully sold out to doing His will. In HIS name we will remain faithful to Him! He saved us and has bought us to this place to grow in Him and to serve Him. God is alive in this place and we worship Him for all He is, all He has done and we're expectant about all the good things that He is GOING to do. I believe it in His name! HALLELUJAH!!! Blessings and grace always, Cadet Aaron Stobie (hehe)
Orientation to the Orientation course.
Orientation to local shopping
Orientation to the building
Orientation to big day out noise
Orientation to local restaurants
Orientation to taking FREE books from the College
Orientation on picking up your meals AND ordering them
Orientation to 'getting to know you' nights
And well, thats just to name a few. It's all good. I'm absolutely LOVING God and what He is saying to me. Our session is GREAT, They ALL love Jesus! And they are passionate about doing what He wants for their lives and the life of His Army. Can you Please pray for all the Cadets of the Witnesses for Christ session - May we continue to be full on for Him, to be totally, wholly and fully sold out to doing His will. In HIS name we will remain faithful to Him! He saved us and has bought us to this place to grow in Him and to serve Him. God is alive in this place and we worship Him for all He is, all He has done and we're expectant about all the good things that He is GOING to do. I believe it in His name! HALLELUJAH!!! Blessings and grace always, Cadet Aaron Stobie (hehe)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Training College!!!
So, I know that it's been awhile since I last blogged. Many apologies!! Life has been sooo busy, It's been great! I am in College!! WOOHOO. God is so good! Since I last blogged I have been busy with Farewell meetings @ Werribee and also at Melbourne Centrals Divisional meeting, which was great. I have 2 rooms @ College, very spacious and really homely. I love it! My sessional buddies are just incredible! We're all still settling in still and some of us are even still unpacking! Classes start on the 31st of this month (only a couple of days to go). We have Orientation until the 11th of Feb and then move into a 2 week intensive on 'Worship & Preaching' then, after that 2 weeks we move into the beginning of the semester. Can I ask that you please pray for all of the 'Witnesses for Christ' session (W4C)not just in Australia, but all over the world as we step into the fulness of what God wants us to do, and that is to change the world by sharing His love, grace, peace, justice and forgiveness. Pray that we continue to stay passionate and become even more passionate as we serve God in this way, That He would mould us and make us all that He wants us to be. May this be the beginning of a MIGHTY REVIVAL in Australia and a Revolution world-wide. HALLELUJAH!! God is SOOO GOOD!!! Love, Prayers & Blessings always, Cadet Stobes!! hehehe (still sounds bizarre!)
Saturday, January 6, 2007
He is ABLE!!
I want to share with you, some of the things that God has been doing in my life..
I'll start with New Years Eve. For those who don't know, I work in Events Management at an Events Centre. I also do Comepetition Rock 'n' Roll Dancing. Are you still with me? My Rock 'n' Roll clug run dances at the Events Centre where I work. They had a MASSIVE New Years Eve Dance!! 500 people in attendance. A life band, DJ, Awesome Outfits and lots of dancing! I arrived @ about 8pm and went straight into the Centre's Office to talk to my friends who were working that night. We had been chatting for literally 5 minutes when my dance teacher ran in and said ''Quick, we need help, a man is having a seizure on the dance floor'' There were 3 of us there. It was my built in instinct to take charge. I asked one of the guys to call the ambulance and asked the 2nd guy to accompany me in and attempt to ease the situation. We could not find this man (By this stage my brain is overloaded with prayers) We finally found him after 30 seconds in between 2 tables. This man was not a petite fellow! About 50 people were attempting to administer First Aid. As soon as I got there I said ''Unless you are a Doctor or Nurse, I'd appreciate you all stepping back as we are both highly trained in work place first aid. So they did and a nurse stepped forward and helped us. The man started going very purple after his seizure. His false teeth had began to block his airways. I removed them and we placed him in the lateral position. He had a pulse, but it was very weak and his breathing went from stable to shallow. He began turning purple again. A very, very dark purple. It was horrific! He had now stopped breathing. I checked his pulse and his heart was not beating. This man was in complete heart failure. So I began Compressions and the nurse did the breathing. After 4 goes at doing 30 compressions each time, I swapped with my work mate and he did 4 and we repeated this until the ambulance came. We revived this man 4 times before the ambulance arrived. We lost him again while the ambulance people were there and straight away the hooked him up to a Defibrilator machine. They worked on him for 15 minutes and then the MICA Ambulance came (They are pretty much an intensive care unit that specialise in very serious cases. Generally the staff are more advanced and experienced and are able to administer higher amounts of medication. When they arrived, My role change. They didn't need 7 people working on this guy. So I went over to his wife and simply sat with her, comforted her, gave her a warm hug and was Jesus to her. I was praying even more during this time and I looked around and saw another lady praying and the Scripture that says ''When 2 or more gather in my name, there is power' And I was like 'Ok God, do Your thing!'They eventually had to give him a drug that paralysed him, so that they could place a tube down his throat to assist him with his breathing. They took him off to hospital and I we received a call @ 11pm that same night saying that he was in a stable condition. PRAISE GOD! I also received a phone call from my manager on Thursday telling me that the man had woken up out of his Coma with very minimal brain damage that will be healed in no time. This man was without Oxygen for approx. 5 minutes. AFTER 3 minutes your major organs begin to close down. How does this happen? The Grace of our God! He was faithful, He IS faithful. I don't take credit for this because I know that it was all God's doing, not mine. He is ABLE! Hallelujah!!
On a sadder note, I received a call from a very close friend on Thursday telling me that her cancer had returned and it was not looking the best. It hit very close to home. For those who don't know, In 2004 my Mum died after a very brave and long 4 year battle with Cancer. So it was very hard for me to hear those words 'My cancer is back' and she told me it was hard for her to say those words to me. She has asked me to pray for her, she didn't have to ask as I do pray for her all the time. It turns out that she went to Primary School with my Dad's girlfriend. So there are lots of people praying for her. Sometime over the next 2 weeks she is going to come over for dinner. I firmly believe that on that night God will do a mighty thing and she will come to the Lord. PLEASE pray that it be so. She was suppossed to call me the other day, she didn't so I messaged her and she sent one back saying 'The morphine (for the pain) and the heat don't mix. I just woke up. Will call you tomorrow. Please keep praying' I understand some may think she is only taking an interest in God because she is sick with Cancer. However, I believe that God is using this situation for His Glory. And I'm beliving very strongly that she will come to know God. I love her very dearly and hope to support her in any way I can. He is Able!!!
O Lord - Every good thing comes from you and I ask that as the man who suffered the attack on New Years begins to recover I pray that Your blessing, grace and healing hand be with him and that his heart may be open to you. And Lord for my very good friend Robin, please comfort her, heal her, use me to support her and bring her close to you. Believing in You and Your might forever, Amen. Bless you all!!
I'll start with New Years Eve. For those who don't know, I work in Events Management at an Events Centre. I also do Comepetition Rock 'n' Roll Dancing. Are you still with me? My Rock 'n' Roll clug run dances at the Events Centre where I work. They had a MASSIVE New Years Eve Dance!! 500 people in attendance. A life band, DJ, Awesome Outfits and lots of dancing! I arrived @ about 8pm and went straight into the Centre's Office to talk to my friends who were working that night. We had been chatting for literally 5 minutes when my dance teacher ran in and said ''Quick, we need help, a man is having a seizure on the dance floor'' There were 3 of us there. It was my built in instinct to take charge. I asked one of the guys to call the ambulance and asked the 2nd guy to accompany me in and attempt to ease the situation. We could not find this man (By this stage my brain is overloaded with prayers) We finally found him after 30 seconds in between 2 tables. This man was not a petite fellow! About 50 people were attempting to administer First Aid. As soon as I got there I said ''Unless you are a Doctor or Nurse, I'd appreciate you all stepping back as we are both highly trained in work place first aid. So they did and a nurse stepped forward and helped us. The man started going very purple after his seizure. His false teeth had began to block his airways. I removed them and we placed him in the lateral position. He had a pulse, but it was very weak and his breathing went from stable to shallow. He began turning purple again. A very, very dark purple. It was horrific! He had now stopped breathing. I checked his pulse and his heart was not beating. This man was in complete heart failure. So I began Compressions and the nurse did the breathing. After 4 goes at doing 30 compressions each time, I swapped with my work mate and he did 4 and we repeated this until the ambulance came. We revived this man 4 times before the ambulance arrived. We lost him again while the ambulance people were there and straight away the hooked him up to a Defibrilator machine. They worked on him for 15 minutes and then the MICA Ambulance came (They are pretty much an intensive care unit that specialise in very serious cases. Generally the staff are more advanced and experienced and are able to administer higher amounts of medication. When they arrived, My role change. They didn't need 7 people working on this guy. So I went over to his wife and simply sat with her, comforted her, gave her a warm hug and was Jesus to her. I was praying even more during this time and I looked around and saw another lady praying and the Scripture that says ''When 2 or more gather in my name, there is power' And I was like 'Ok God, do Your thing!'They eventually had to give him a drug that paralysed him, so that they could place a tube down his throat to assist him with his breathing. They took him off to hospital and I we received a call @ 11pm that same night saying that he was in a stable condition. PRAISE GOD! I also received a phone call from my manager on Thursday telling me that the man had woken up out of his Coma with very minimal brain damage that will be healed in no time. This man was without Oxygen for approx. 5 minutes. AFTER 3 minutes your major organs begin to close down. How does this happen? The Grace of our God! He was faithful, He IS faithful. I don't take credit for this because I know that it was all God's doing, not mine. He is ABLE! Hallelujah!!
On a sadder note, I received a call from a very close friend on Thursday telling me that her cancer had returned and it was not looking the best. It hit very close to home. For those who don't know, In 2004 my Mum died after a very brave and long 4 year battle with Cancer. So it was very hard for me to hear those words 'My cancer is back' and she told me it was hard for her to say those words to me. She has asked me to pray for her, she didn't have to ask as I do pray for her all the time. It turns out that she went to Primary School with my Dad's girlfriend. So there are lots of people praying for her. Sometime over the next 2 weeks she is going to come over for dinner. I firmly believe that on that night God will do a mighty thing and she will come to the Lord. PLEASE pray that it be so. She was suppossed to call me the other day, she didn't so I messaged her and she sent one back saying 'The morphine (for the pain) and the heat don't mix. I just woke up. Will call you tomorrow. Please keep praying' I understand some may think she is only taking an interest in God because she is sick with Cancer. However, I believe that God is using this situation for His Glory. And I'm beliving very strongly that she will come to know God. I love her very dearly and hope to support her in any way I can. He is Able!!!
O Lord - Every good thing comes from you and I ask that as the man who suffered the attack on New Years begins to recover I pray that Your blessing, grace and healing hand be with him and that his heart may be open to you. And Lord for my very good friend Robin, please comfort her, heal her, use me to support her and bring her close to you. Believing in You and Your might forever, Amen. Bless you all!!
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