Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday the 16th of May, 2007

Today was a day of mixed emotions. We had Spiritual Day at the College, which was AMAZING...Well, at least the time I was there was anyway. I led a min choir in the singing of a song called "Let Your presence fall" It was acapella and was beautiful. It aided people in stopping and reflecting on the power and the presence of God in all things, including the business of life. Our Guests were Lt. Colonels Judith & John Jeffries, Captains Lindsay and Jenni Frost and Mrs. Lt. Col. Collinson played the piano for parts of the day. Spiritual days are an important part of the College calender. It's great to set aside a day from the business of study etc and seek out God through prayer and reflection. Come Holy Spirit!

Today was also the 3rd year Anniversary of Mum's passing. I caught up for lunch with the family and it was good to share fond memories of a beautiful woman of God. I miss her so much, but am so happy that she knew Jesus and because of that I'll be seeing her again one day. She had an incredible influence on my life and I thank God for her, and for the fact that she came to know Christ and continually grew from strength to strength. Thank you Go, for the gift of my Mum and for the beautiful spirit she had, and for her unconditional love for others and passion for you. Amen :)

Tonight I chaired a College Council meeting at my School where I was School Captain. I am still on the council, a year and a bit on after graduating. They made a position for me and I am thankful. This year at the AGM, I was voted in as Vice-President. I chaired the meeting tonight, because the president is away on holiday. I am thankful to still have influence in my school, a place that encouraged, supported and empowered me so much. Teachers at my school always thought that I would become a teacher (like I had planned) and become Principal of that school. They even still called me "Principal Stobie" haha. God please bless Hoppers Crossing Secondary College in every possible way. Thank you so much!

God of all eternity, we bow before You now to seek You, to know You more and to connect with You. You are strong, mighty and powerful, yet, you love us so much and know us individually. Sustain us by Your love and challenge us, compell us and convict us by Your Holy Spirit. You have been so gracious unto us, may we share your love, salvation and grace to all we come into contact with. For your name's sake, Amen!

God Bless you all - Missing you! Thanks for your prayers, thoughts and love. XOXOX


Allison Ward said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. It was soo meaningful to me.
May God Bless you and use you to further His Kingdom!!

james said...

hey dude,
you know i love you. glad your day was goof for remembering the good times and your mums salvation! Thank you Jesus!
Good seeing you last night, keep up the blogging love hearing your thoughts!
God bless ya buddy

Amy said...

Mr Stobie! =P

Your mum was a beautiful woman, and even though i didnt know her that well, i know she had an amazing love for God that everyone who met her could see. and that my dear is something i can see in you, Your amazing passion for God!

Love you Muchly!

Jim Knaggs said...

We're with you Stobes. I'm pleased to see you've met Allison. I know her and will see her in a week or so in NY. She's amazing!

Ian Peters said...

It's great to see you still have a connection with your old school. What an opportunity!!!!!!! Go for it in God's Strength.

Ian Peters said...

I have just set up a Blog for Prayer

"Prayer Treet for the Salvation Army"

Allison Ward said...

Aw Commissioner Knaggs is the best! You are so lucky to have them there. They are amazing people. I was able to spend some time with them this past weekend. It was the USA Eastern Territory's Congress. An exciting time!
Hope all is going well in the training college.
God Bless,
Love your blog. Keep it up!!