Wednesday, April 25, 2007

God shall have all there is of...........

"God shall have all there is of William Booth"

The famous words of the founder of The Salvation Army. It wasn't "God shall have bits and pieces of William Booth" or even "God can have this and that of William Booth" Can you imagine if he did say that? Would God's full blessing or anointing be on him? This question makes me think, Does God have all there is of me and you? Does God have all there is of ALL Salvation Army Corps or Social Programmes? My guess is probably not. I desperately long for the day when every aspect and facit of The Salvation Army are on fire, passionate Christians that are filled with the Holy Spirit. People who will not be satisfied doing it their own way. Who will whole-heartedly seek out God's will and His desires. Men and Women who will not be content with the idea of leaving a dark, lost soul in the world! God has really challenged me recently - saying "Aaron as if you being in College is an excuse for souls not to be saved, get out there in your spare time and share the love, grace and free gift of Salvation to ALL people" It's SO true! The walls of 303 are NO BOUNDARY and should not be seen as that, while we're in here. Sure we won't have as much oppurtunity to witness, but there will STILL BE OPPORTUNITIES! God has also challenged me "Instead of wasting your time Stobie complaining about the mundane things, get on your knee's, put your head to the floor and PRAY...Bury yourself in MY word..."

From this day forward, God shall TRULY have all this is of Aaron Stobie!

Lord Bless Your Army - In Your mighty name!


Amy said...

I was just bout to comment you, but I cannot remember what I was about to say!

All I can say now is, GOD IS AWESOME! I was meant to be going asleep right now, but I am WAY to AWAKE because of the wonderful power of Jesus. Im still =O one minute I'm sitting here, annoyed at my 'frog', annoyed at my stomach because it wont stop hurting, n yes very tired! Now im wide awake, over my annoyance at the 'frog' and my tummy no longer hurts, and wont hurt again if Jesus has anything to do with it!!

Praise God, Aaron for everything he is doing in your life right now! I thank god soo much that we met! I cant think how things would be now if you hadnt taught me half of what you already have!

Thankyou muchly!

Now I've just lost ALL train of thought... tonight is just one huge WOW factor!

GodBless you Aaron, I pray that you contunue to stay strong, and that the Lord keeps challenging you to go out there and do his work. May the power of God be with you. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron

I am glad you have found God in the mundane as well as the great joys associated with Ministry there is also the neccessary mundane that all must do.

However, there is more to ministry than the walls of the Training College but also enjoy the experience it will be the only time you will have to devote your full time attention to God....without the busyness.

Enjoy the journey and dont loose your passion.

Blessings to you...

Pete Brookshaw said...

Hey Aaron and Amy... I'm challenged to think whether we should catch up and do some outreach?

Just pray and then go out into the streets...?

Thanks for your blog Aaron, it confirms what God has been challenging me about lately... 'Don't just talk the talk, and blog the talk, but walk the walk and blog the walk.'